useful php,jquery scripts

  1. jQuery PHP & MySQL inline editing

    Edit page content directly in the browser inline using jQuery AJAX requests

  2. jQuery Gallery

    Animated jQuery gallery with title and description

  3. Highlighting form inputs

    Highlight any input field using JavaScript

  4. jQuery JSON & PHP

    Create a simple product gallery using JSONP PHP and MySQL

  5. jQuery Tabs

    Simple tabs rendered using jQuery

  6. jQuery XML

    build a product gallery parsing XML using jQuery

  7. jTruncate

    Using the jTruncate plugin to truncate text with a ‘more’ link

  8. PHP Page scrape

    Scrape page contents using PHP and CURL

  9. AJAX Check

    Check to see if a normal GET or POST request was made or if an AJAX request was made

  10. PHP Pagination

    A useful and raw PHP pagination script that could be adapted in to a class

  11. jQuery Sliding Menu

    jQuery drop down slide in / out menu inspired by

  12. jQuery Tooltips

    An experimentation into building jQuery tooltips with AJAX requests, images etc


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One Response to “useful php,jquery scripts”
  1. Adelina says:

    fantastic blog for read, i hope all reader will enjoy…keep up the share.

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